Need ideas to spice up Valentine’s Day in lockdown? Your romantic meal out may be off the cards, but there’s nothing stopping you from celebrating love indoors. We’ve come up with five (virtual and non-virtual) ways for you to spend the big day at home, whether it’s with your partner, your soul sisters or by yourself. Because love is never cancelled...

Virtual cocktail night
If Palentine’s is your thing, this one’s for you! The best bit? No faff organising the taxi home.
How this works:
- Organise a virtual cocktail night with a group of friends
- Ahead of the night, select three cocktail recipes
- Make sure that everyone gets the ingredients to make all three cocktails
- Choose one person to be the host of the cocktail night
- The host leads the call, giving everyone step-by-step instructions on how to make the cocktails
- Drink up and enjoy!

Dinner in Paris (in spirit)
When you can’t go to the city of love, bring the city of love to you. Beret, optional.
How this works:
- Get dressed up in your fanciest clothes
- Cook French cuisine for dinner (and dessert)
- Listen to French music while you eat
- Drink French champagne (or prosecco)
- Each of you shares a fact about Paris
- After dinner, watch a French film or a film about Paris

Self-care session
Show yourself some love by taking the day off to relax.
How this works:
- Set a few hours aside for ‘you’ time
- Turn off your phone and close your laptop
- Light your best candle (what are we saving them for at this point?)
- Run yourself a bath, preferably with bubbles and oils
- Soak in the tub while listening to a meditation podcast
- Apply a face mask or do your nails
- Get into a soft pair of PJs and snuggle up in bed with a book or film
- End the day by writing down three things you love about yourself

Rom-com movie marathon
If there was ever a time to embrace cheese, it’s Valentine’s Day. You can enjoy this on your own, or with someone else.
How this works:
- If you want to go all out, order yourself a film projector
- Give yourself permission to spend the whole day on the sofa
- Arm yourself with snacks and a blanket
- Make a list of the BEST classic rom-coms
- Be sure to include at least one that you’ve never seen before
- Have your heart-warmed by watching people fall in love all day long

Stream a live gig
For everyone who’s really in need of a night out, this is the next best thing.How this works:
- Go to where you can find a live gig to stream (prices vary)
- Get dressed up as if you were going out
- Turn the lights down in the living room and set up the gig on the telly or laptop
- Make sure you’ve got a drink in the fridge
- Have a well-earned boogie by yourself or with your partner or housemate
Happy Valentine’s, Leopards! Stay safe and have fun x