At this point, we're all aware of climate crisis and the devastating impact it's having on the planet, from forest fires to flooding and extinction. Although it can be overwhelming to think about, it's so important that we all have a good understanding of why climate change is happening, so that we can make better decisions that'll (hopefully) benefit us in the future. While these documentaries outline the problems that humans are creating, they also offer solutions and practical advice about what you can do to help. We hope you find them useful - we definitely did!

I Am Greta - BBC iPlayer
This documentary is about 17 year-old climate activist, Greta Thunberg, and her mission to make the world open its eyes to the reality of climate change. It shows her journey, alongside footage of how climate change is already impacting the planet, with a commentary by Greta about the challenges we face and how we need to change going forward.

Extinction: The Facts - BBC iPlayer
David Attenborough discusses the planet's extinction crisis, the consequences of climate change and the loss of bio-diversity, from food shortages to further pandemics.

Before The Flood - Disney+
Leonardo DiCaprio takes us on a journey around the world to better understand climate change. He explores the causes, the impact it's having on the world and what we can do to stop it. This documentary includes interviews with experts and world leaders, plus footage from climate summits.

A Life On Our Planet - Netflix
During his 93 years, David Attenborough has visited every continent and explored some of the world's most wild terrain, documenting its beauty for all of us to enjoy on our screens. However, he's also seen first-hand the impact that climate change is having on the planet. In this documentary he discusses the effects of global warming and the importance of turning it around.

Seaspiracy - Netflix
British filmmaker, Ali Tabrizi, explores the effect that humans are having on the ocean and marine life, from over-fishing to pollution. Ali advocates for ending fish consumption and human interference with the ocean.
A note from us...
We understand that the fashion industry is a contributor to the climate crisis. That's why we're taking steps to become more sustainable. We've started replacing the fabrics we use with recycled fibres, so that these materials are reused, rather than being sent to landfill. You can read more about our sustainability mission here.